Training Areas
Dr. C. Daniel Prather, A.A.E., CAM is currently an active, aviation industry trainer. He has experience developing unique courses for airports, business aviation flight departments, aviation industry associations, and other organizations, based on the client’s specific needs.
Airport Certified Employee (ACE)
Basic Airport Safety and Operations Specialist (ASOS) School
Advanced Airport Safety and Operations Specialist (ASOS) School
Safety Management Systems: An Overview
Safety Management Systems: Safety Policy and Objectives
Safety Management Systems: Safety Risk Management
Safety Management Systems Safety Assurance
Safety Management Systems: Safety Promotion
Safety Management Systems: Implementation
Business Aviation
PDPCredit.com has 100% online NBAA-approved courses, currently including:
L1: Vision, Mission, and Values
L2: Goal Setting
L3: Effective Leadership
L4: Enhanced Professionalism
L5: Change Management
HR1: Optimum Staffing
HR2: Employee Training
HR3: Staffing Functions
HR4: Performance Reviews
HR5: Compensation Evaluation
HR6: Rewards and Discipline
HR7: HR Regulatory Compliance
HR8: Human Factors
Aviation Training Solutions
ATS Has in-person training for the following NBAA-approved courses:
Developing Strategic Vision, Mission, and Goals in Business Aviation (L1, L2)
Effective Leadership in Business Aviation (L3)
Enhancing Productivity Through Business Aviation (BM1)
Staffing Needs and Job-Related Training for Aviation Departments (HR1, HR2)
Safety Management Systems (SMS) for Business Aviation (Ops6)
Leadership Communication Teambuilding Strategy