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Here you will find a vast amount of useful information. Ranging from books to scholarly articles, there are many resources here for your informational use.


ACRP Synthesis 112: Airports Operation Training at Small Airports (2020)

ACRP Synthesis 103: Promoting Aviation Career Education in High Schools and Community Colleges (2019)

ACRP Synthesis 104: Current Landscape of Unmanned Aircraft Systems at Airports (2019)

Airport Management (2015)

Airport Management is an up-to-date and industry-relevant textbook providing useful insight into all aspects of airports. With more than a decade of experience as an airport administrator, author Dr. Daniel Prather, A.A.E, CAM, provides a valuable, real-world perspective with an emphasis on the practical application required for the successful management and operation of airports.This comprehensive resource covers:history of airports and the airline industryairport structure and ownershipair traffic, capacity, and delay—and techniques to manage demandairport planning and the role of aviation activity forecastsdesign and constructionenvironmental impacts and regulatory complianceairport operations and maintenance, with a focus on 14 CFR Part 139safety and securitymarketinggovernmental, legal, and public relationsproperties, contracts, and commercial developmentfinancial management, capital development funding, and the economic impact of airportsfuture challenges and opportunities for airports

General Aviation Marketing and Management: Operating, Marketing, and

Managaing an FBO (3rd ed.)

The third edition of General Aviation Marketing and Management, although true to its original purpose, has been updated and expanded to include more guidance on the subject of FBO Management. Specifically, the line service functions of an FBO are thoroughly explored, allowing the student to understand the FBO from the ground up, and thus become a more effective FBO manager. The text also retains a marketing focus to enable the student desiring to learn about aviation marketing, the corporate pilot responsible for aircraft evaluation, and the FBO Manager seeking to enhance revenues, the opportunity to learn more about marketing in the GA industry and be more effective in this area.

ACRP Synthesis 41: Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at Airports

– published in 2013.


ACRP Synthesis 38: Expediting Aircraft Recovery at Airports – published in 2012.


ACRP Synthesis 27: Airport Self Inspection Practices – published in 2011.


ACRP Synthesis 26: Current Airport Inspection Practices Regarding FOD (Foreign Object Debris/Damage) – published in 2011.

ACRP Legal Research Digest 8: The Right to Self-Fuel  - published in 2009.


Airport Sustainability Practices: Drivers and Outcomes for Small Commercial and General Aviation Airports. A Synthesis of Airport Practice. (2015)


Prather, C.D. (2009). Student perceptions of effective college teachers. Collegiate Aviation Review, 27(2), 69-76.


Prather, C.D. (2009).  Stakeholder perceptions of specialized accreditation by the aviation accreditation board international Part three – Level of awareness and perceived value. Collegiate Aviation Review, 27(1), 79-89. 


Prather, C.D. (2008). Stakeholder perceptions of specialized accreditation by the aviation accreditation board international: Part two – Aviation students and industry employers.  Collegiate Aviation Review, 26(2), 69-77. 


Prather, C.D. (2008).  Stakeholder perceptions of specialized accreditation by the aviation accreditation board international: Part one – Collegiate aviation administrators.  Collegiate Aviation Review, 26(1), 91-110. 


Prather, C.D. & Hawkins, J. C. (2007).  The impacts of VLJs on Tennessee airports: A case study.  Collegiate Aviation Review, 25(2), 38-51.  


Prather, C.D. (2007).  Distance Learning in Collegiate Aviation: A survey of the historical, theoretical, and contemporary aspects.  Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research, 17(1), 29-41.


Prather, C. D. (2007).  Specialized accreditation in collegiate aviation: An analysis of the perceived value of specialized accreditation by the Aviation Accreditation Board International. 

(Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska, 2007).   (ProQuest - AAT 3284113)


Prather, C. D. (2007).  Experiential learning in collegiate aviation:  The use and assessment of internships.  Collegiate Aviation Review, 25(1), 73-90.


Prather, C.D. (2006). The Council on Aviation Accreditation: Part two-contemporary issues.  Journal of Air Transportation, 11(3), 34-60.   


Prather, C. D. (2006). The Council on Aviation Accreditation: Part one- Historical foundation. Journal of Air Transportation, 11(2), 156-177.       


Prather, C. D. (2006, September). Distance learning in collegiate aviation: Meeting the needs of airport professionals. Collegiate Aviation Review, 24(1), 132-147.


Prather, C. D. (1999, October). Airport internships: Effectively structuring a departmental rotation internship. Collegiate Aviation Review, 53-73.


Prather, C. D. (1998, September). Post-secondary aviation education: Preparing students to manage airports of the 21st century. Collegiate Aviation Review, 40-61.


Prather, C. D. (2010, Spring).  Security and IT support: Educators respond.  Collegiate Aviation News, 34(2), 1, 3. 


Prather, C. D. (2009, Winter).  Safety Management System: Integrating a proactive risk management approach into a collegiate aviation program.  Collegiate Aviation News, 33(1), 12-13.


Prather, C.D. (2009, Winter).  AABI Industry/educator forum: The educators respond.  Collegiate Aviation News, 33(1), 5.


Prather, C. D. (2008, March/April). Industry/educator forum: Educators respond.  Inside AABI, March/April, 4.


Prather, C. D. (2008, Spring). AABI industry/educator forum: UAA educators respond.  Collegiate Aviation News, 32(2), 1 & 4.


Prather, C. D. (Fall/Winter, 1996/1997). Persistence and an SIUC Education: A Winning Combination for an Aviation Internship.  MPA Affairs (SIUC).


Prather, C. D. (1998, Winter). Denver International Airport: Lessons Learned Book Review. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research, 8 (2), 15-21.

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