Dr. C. Daniel Prather, A.A.E., CAM is an experienced, well-spoken, humorous speaker that weaves his past experiences with his unique southern accent to keep the audience engaged and interested in his story. Earning his Private Pilot Certificate during his senior year in high school made him the talk of the town. Dr. Prather graduated from Brandon High School in 1990 and enrolled in Delta State University’s Commercial Aviation program on a full band scholarship.
After graduating from Delta State in August 1994, Dr. Prather spent the fall semester daily spending time with his grandmother and grandfather at their house on Highway 80 in Brandon, Mississippi. Learning valuable life experiences from them both, especially his grandfather, Dr. Prather was reinvigorated to pursue a Master’s degree at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL starting January 1995. Dr. Prather completed his Master of Public Administration degree and began a two-year internship to Tampa International Airport as an Airport Operations Specialist in July 1996. Meeting his future wife while in this position, Dr. Prather was promoted to Assistant Director of Operations in April 1998.
Dr. Prather became a Certified Member of AAAE in 1998 and then earned his Accredited Airport Executive credential in May 1999. Dr. Prather earned his PhD. In Educational Leadership in 2007. In August 2006, Dr. Prather joined Middle Tennessee State University as an Associate Professor of Aerospace, with responsibility for the Aerospace Administration concentration, including teaching courses in Airport Management, Airline Management, FBO Management, Flight Safety, Airport Funding Policy, and other courses as the undergraduate and graduate levels. In July 2012, Dr. Prather joined the faculty of California Baptist University as Professor of Aviation Science and Founding Chair of the Department of Aviation Science. In this current role, Dr. Prather has been responsible for developing the nation’s newest collegiate aviation program.
Dr. Prather considers himself the eternal optimist, but also the eternal realist. Applying positive thinking to life experiences allows
Dr. Prather to see the good in everyone and develop the greatest of human potential. As a motivational speaker, Dr. Prather
brings his contagious, warm-natured spirit and sense of humor to his presentations, which allows him to motivate the members
of the audience to better performance and achievement of personal goals.
By sharing positive and motivational thoughts with the audience, attendees are encouraged to be more, do more, and love more.
His motivational presentations are not designed to motivate attendees to achieve at all costs; rather to apply a positive outlook in balancing career, family, and personal demands with the true enjoyment of life.

“Each of us has the opportunity to make a difference in someone. Make the most of this.”
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“Leaders have an obligation to bring others
along on the journey.”
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“Success without relationships is just money…
and remember, you can’t take it with you.”
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“Dream big and develop measureable goals
to fulfil your dreams.”
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“Effective leaders are ordinary people doing
extraordinary things in the lives of others.”
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“Don’t complain. The grass is never that green
on the other side of the fence.”
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“Pay is taken for granted. Appreciate and
recognize your employees.”
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“Nurture a positive organizational culture.
The other option is not an option.”

“Report organization, pictures and appendices are right on. Comprehensive, informative and useful to the industry”
- TRB panel member comment
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“Dr. Prather was engaging and kept my attention.”
- Course attendee
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“Report organization, pictures and appendices are right on. Comprehensive, informative and useful to the industry”
- TRB panel member comment
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“Daniel is one of the best teachers in the department.”
- Aerospace Department Chair
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"He is a self-starter who gets along well with people . . . .
His written and oral reports were well organized and presented, indicative of his ability to
communicate effectively."
- Airport Director
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“The training was very inspiring and good for me.” - Course attendee
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